トイレール ~東京メトロの駅内トイレ情報アプリ~


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At a glance, you can find various useful information about Tokyo Metro station toilets, such as the number and location of mens and womens toilets at each station of Tokyo Metro, the number of private rooms by Western and Japanese styles, and the degree of congestion!

トイレールは、東京メトロの駅内トイレ情報アプリです。東京メトロの各駅の男女別トイレの数、場所、洋式・和式別の個室数、混雑度など、東京メトロの駅内トイレに関する様々な便利情報が一目でわかります。Toilet is a Tokyo Metro station toilet information app.At a glance, you can see various useful information about Tokyo Metro station toilets, such as the number and location of mens and womens toilets at each station of Tokyo Metro, the number of private rooms by Western and Japanese styles, and the degree of congestion.軽微な不具合を修正しました。